23 Mar 2011

St Fagans Family Outing

St Fagans (aka The Museum of Welsh Life) lies on the outskirts of Cardiff. I've known of it's existence for years, Doctor Who filmed there for the two-parter Human Nature and Family of Blood back in Series 3 but I'd never visited so I eagerly agreed to a family outing to the (free) museum with my Mum, my sister and my nephew. It was slightly surreal to walk around the village and recognise it all, knowing full well I'd never been there, but otherwise it was a lovely day out and I highly recommend a visit if you're ever in the area with some time to kill.

Noah, aged (nearly) 3 years old

My little sister, Elizabeth Bennett (I kid you not)

St Fagans Castle Gardens

Climbing all over Mum ... Lizzie could relate

Static Electricity Boy!

Thanks for stopping by,


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