Yes, I feel it's time I confess; I am a total eBay whore. I love it. I buy all my shoes, clothes, technology (oh, lovely Blackberry, I can't wait for you to arrive!), and even my smalls on occasion, from eBay. I decided that if I waited until I finished sewing something I'd be going naked to work by Tuesday.
Zoe of So Zo' recently wrote a series of posts about consumerism and society today that I highly recommend. I've never been comfortable with the disposable mindset most products today are created with and much prefer to shop second hand. If an item already exists and is in a good condition I don't see the point in shopping for something brand spanking new. And since a good friend introduced me to eBay I appear to have taken that concept and run with it. This is a Good Thing as the charity shops and second hand stores in South Wales appear to be sadly lacking in anything that pre-dates 1980. Of course, my poor Postie doesn't feel the same way but so long as he keeps delivering my parcels I shall continue to be happy.
Just to give you an idea of how much I've bought on eBay in the last ... hhmmm, let's go with the last month because I've been rather prolific this January, here's a lovely recap in pictures. In fact, I've just noticed this will be my 100th post so why don't we make this a little competition in celebration of the fact that I appear to have enough to tell the world that I can write 100 posts and apparently not bore people.
The Rules:
Pick a picture and, in the comments, tell me how much you think it cost me. To make it easier, I'll cheat a little for you and I'll include/ not include the shipping to help you get as close as possible to a correct amount*.
Whoever guesses bang on for their chosen picture will be the winner. If more than one person guesses correctly it's to the random number generator I go. If no one guesses correctly then I'll go with whoever got the closest. Again, if several persons guess as closely as each other I shall assume you were cheating. No? Okay, to the random number generator I'll go.
I should probably mention I can't guarantee this will be an awesome prize, I'm saving that for the 100th follower. I mean, I have some 80's patterns that aren't to my taste so you're guaranteed something at least. I'll even craft you something, I'm just not sure what yet. And I'll ship to wherever in the world you happen to be, although I reserve the right to flag down a passing ship and ask them to drop it off on their way. Or post it the cheapest way possible, whichever strikes my fancy first.
Make sure you leave your email in the comments if it's not available in your profile or on your site so I can let you know you've won. Otherwise, y'know, you won't actually win because I won't be able to get an address for you.
Entries to be in by 11th February, is that fair?
On your marks. Get set. Go!
#1 1x5m Cotton Crochet Lace in Ecru |
#2 Faith shoes in fabulous yellow |
#3 Cream & Brown Striped Cardigan |
#4 Vintage Vogue 2669 |
#5 3m Blue Twill Fabric |
#6 Vintage 1970's Pinstripe Shorts |
#7 Vintage 1960's Dress (I wore this today, it was fab) |
#8 George Ditsy Print Shirt |
#9 Multi-way bra in nude |
#10 Blackberry 8700G (soooo shiny!) |
#11 Blue Toolbox (with tray) |
Thanks for stopping by,