20 Sept 2010

Outfit Round-Up { Monday }

I have failed mightily at the SSS challenge, having simply not had anything ready to wear for work. Instead you're getting a peek into my limited work wardrobe and my attempts at spicing up a few pieces.

Today dawned bright and rather warm, unfortunately the office didn't feel like that and my shirt and waistcoat combo (that I really like) didn't work from a warmth perspective.

I did however go on a red lipstick shopping trip into Caerdydd (Cardiff to the non-Welsh) at the weekend to visit the Mac store and choose a red lippy in a shade I felt comfortable in. I tried the Russian Red but felt it a little too overwhelming and settled on Du Bonnet instead. Whaddya think?

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. You look smashing with that vest, and lovely coloured lipstick!

  2. ooooh i felt the same way about russian red (and definitely about ruby woo!) but i luuuuurve some dubonnet and it looks fantastic on you!

  3. Oh I'm glad it wasn't just me. I'd be quite happy to wear Russian Red or Ruby Woo on a night out but for every day it was a bit too in your face (pun not intended!) for me and I admit I felt very self conscious wearing those shades. Not so with my new lippie, I lurves it!


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